High Complexity Units
Recurrent Miscarriage Unit
In assisted reproduction, we use the term recurrent miscarriage when there are two or more consecutive pregnancy losses before week 24. Miscarriages with these characteristics require a multidisciplinary and specialised approach like that offered by our Recurrent Miscarriage High Complexity Unit.
Miscarriage is frequent in the human species and in the majority of cases it occurs in the first weeks of gestation. In the majority of cases it occurs sporadically but sometimes the situation repeats itself, making it advisable to carry out testing and subsequent treatment.
There are multiple, complex causes of a recurrent loss of pregnancy and they must be addressed with a comprehensive perspective by a high complexity assisted reproduction unit, seeing as incomplete testing may lead to an erroneous diagnosis of the problem or even the adoption of the wrong strategy.
Both the diagnosing and possible treatments of recurrent miscarriage are very diverse and must always be agreed upon by the expert gynaecologist of this unit along with the specialists of the various sub-units which include: immunology, haematology, genetics, high resolution imaging, andrology, nutrition, psychology, etc
Which specific tests will we offer you?
An interview with a gynaecologist who specialises in recurrent miscarriage is essential to be able to design the most suitable testing for each case.

The possible testing that is recommended for this type of patient is:
- Image testing (Hysteroscopy Unit and High Resolution Ultrasound Unit): with 3D ultrasounds and hysteroscopy for the diagnosis of possible pathologies such as myoma and uterine malformations.
- Immunological testing (Immunology Unit): in very specific cases, immunological anomalies may be the cause of the repeated loss of pregnancy.
- Genetic testing (Advanced Genetics HCU): in approximately 5% of cases, we find a genetic cause behind the prior miscarriages, and discovering this is extremely useful when designing the best treatment.
- Specific testing of the uterine factor: the presence of chronic inflammation in the uterus or even anomalies in the microbiome can be associated with recurrent loss of pregnancy.
- Male testing (Andrology Unit): the male factor can influence not only the achievement of pregnancy but also its proper development.
- Nutritional testing (Nutrition Unit): there is mounting evidence that lifestyle habits are clearly related to the initial development of a pregnancy.
- Psychological support (Psychology Unit): the grief caused by miscarriage also brings with it emotional trauma in the majority of cases. Psychological support and advice is very beneficial in the treatment of this.
How can we help you?
Once we have run the necessary tests, we will tell you the best approach for your case, and this could range from surgical procedures that will correct any pelvic or uterine factors, to immunotherapy treatments, or the administration of anticoagulant medications or pre-implantation genetic diagnosis associated with your IVF, ROPA method or IVF + GENETICS treatment.